The Exhibitor specifically recognizes and agrees that Literati Events will sustain losses in the Event the Exhibitor fails to provide timely written notice of cancellation. In keeping with industry practice, the existence of such practice being hereby acknowledged by the Exhibitor, and because such losses cannot be precisely measured but include the costs associated with the inability to replace those canceling, advertising, credibility, redesigning of floor space, and the like, the Exhibitor agrees upon the following late cancellation assessment schedule as being in the nature of liquidated damages, which schedule is specifically designed to compensate Literati Events for losses and not constitute a penalty, should the Exhibitor fail to provide timely written notice of cancellation of all or any part of assigned booth space. 

- Through three (3) months prior to Event - 0%
- Three (3) months to (1) month prior to Event - 50%
- One (1) month prior to Event or after - 100%

Cancellations will be accepted only in accordance with the above schedule. There will be no refunds for cancellations received on or after one (1) month prior to the Event. Failure to make full payment of 100% by one (1) month prior to the Event shall subject Exhibitor to Cancellation of Contract by Literati Events, forfeiture of deposit made, and liability for balance due. If booth space is not occupied by one (1) hour after Event load-in, Literati Events shall have the right to use the space. Re-letting by Literati Events of an Exhibitor's canceled space shall not act to excuse Exhibitor from assessment.

Show dates, location and hours are subject to change. Exhibit hours, including load-in and load-out times, will be submitted with the Event specific correspondence accepting Exhibitor to the Event. 

An exhibit space diagram will be provided with the Event specific correspondence accepting Exhibitor to the Event. The exhibit space diagram shows the floor arrangement of space. Dimensions and location of each booth are believed to be accurate but only warranted to be approximate.

One (1) six foot table, two (2) folding chairs, one (1) electrical outlet, and uniform ID signs are provided without charge. Exhibitor will provide all other furnishings, equipment, facilities, etc., at their own expense and responsibility. They must be obtained through the official suppliers. No booth backgrounds or divider rails are provided. In the area five feet forward from the rear background of each booth, display materials may be placed up to a height not exceeding eight feet from the building floor. In any portion of the booth beyond five feet from the rear background of the booth, all parts of the exhibit shall be paced not to exceed the height of four feet. Any deviation must be submitted to Literati Events for prior approval. Exhibits not conforming to these specifications or which in design, operation, or otherwise, are objectionable in the opinion of the management will be prohibited. All demonstrations and exhibits must be confined to the exhibit booths. No exhibitor shall assign, sublet, or share the whole or any part of the booth space allotted. If Literati Events gives permission for subletting of space, the Exhibitor is not permitted to resell or co-op their space at less than the full price. 

• Exhibitors are prohibited from using amplifying equipment that is objectionable to Literati Events.
• Exhibitors must confine their activities to their contracted space. 
• Exhibitors will not be permitted to use strolling entertainment or to distribute samples or souvenirs except from their own booths. 
• Draping materials and other decorative materials must be flameproof and comply with all Province and local regulations. 
• Literati Events reserves the right to require modification of questionable exhibits. 
• Exhibitors are prohibited from serving alcoholic beverages. Any other food and beverages must be purchased through the official food vendor. 
• Exhibitors must comply with all safety provisions as required by the Facility and Fire Marshal. 
• The laws of the state of California shall govern the construction, interpretation and enforcement of this agreement. 
• Exhibitors may not begin dismantling their exhibit until the close of the Event. 
• Exhibitors must display only products/services manufactured or distributed by their company. 

By accepting participation in an Event, Exhibitor permits will provide Literati Events one (1) to three (3) professional photos. If such photos are not available or not provided, Literati Events reserves the right to use content from Exhibitor social media profiles and website. Literati Events shall have the right to use Exhibitor’s business name, picture, and likeness in connection with the Event, the advertising and publicity thereof, and any promotional clips related to the Event without additional compensation to the Talent.

Publicizing the Event. Exhibitor agrees to mention the Event in publicity to drive attendance and engagement. No derogatory references to the Event will be permitted. Any derogatory references to the Event and/or Literati Events shall be considered a breach of this agreement and subject to immediate cancellation. Exhibitor is required to mention the Event a minimum of two (2) times a month upon accepting participation through the date of the Event.

Neither Literati Events, its agents, and employees, and the Facility or its employees shall be held liable for, and they are hereby released from liability for, any damage, loss, harm or injury to the person or property of the Exhibitor or any of its officers, agents, employees or other representatives resulting from theft, fire, water, accident or any other cause. In no event shall Literati Events, its agents, and employees, and the Facility or its employees be liable for any consequential, indirect or special damages, whether foreseeable or unforeseeable, whether based upon lost goodwill, lost profits, loss of use of the Exhibit Space, or otherwise, and whether arising out of breach of any express or implied warranty, breach of contract, negligence, misrepresentation, strict liability in tort or otherwise, and whether based on this Agreement, any transaction performed or undertaken under or in connection with this Agreement, or otherwise. Exhibitor agrees that the liability of Literati Events, its agents, and employees, and the Facility or its employees for damages, regardless of the form of action, shall in any event be limited to the aggregate exhibit fees paid under this Agreement. The Exhibitor shall indemnify, defend and protect Literati Events, its agents, and employees, and the Facility or its employees against, and hold and save Literati Events, its agents, and employees, and the Facility or its employees harmless from, any and all claims, demands, suits, liability, damages, loss, costs, attorneys’ fees and expenses of whatever kind or nature, which result from, arise out of, or are connected with any acts or negligence of, or failures to act by Exhibitor and, or any of their officers, agents, employees or other representatives, including, but not limited to, claims of damage or loss resulting from the breach of this Agreement, and claims of damage or loss to any third party resulting from any infringement of a copyright or patent or the unauthorized use of any trademark. The Exhibitor is required to provide a certificate of insurance to Show Management no later than two (2) weeks prior to the Event.

Exhibitors and, or any of their officers, agents, employees or other representatives shall maintain any and all appropriate certifications and permits necessary to perform business during Event. This may include and is not limited to a business permit, Health Department permits, Commercial General Liability insurance, Worker’s Compensation, etc. Exhibitors or any of its officers, agents, employees or other representatives shall be responsible for their own property. Facility will provide security guard service throughout the entire Event, including the official periods of exhibit installation and dismantling. The furnishing of such service is in no case to be understood or interpreted by exhibitors as guaranteeing them against loss or theft of any kind. 

Exhibitors acknowledge their responsibilities under the Americans with Disabilities Act (hereinafter "Act") to make their booths accessible to handicapped persons. Exhibitor shall also indemnify and hold harmless Literati Events and Facility against cost, expense, liability or damage, which may be incident to, arise out of or be caused by Exhibitor's failure to have their booth comply with requirements under the Act. 

The Facility will not accept or store exhibit materials or empty crates. The Exhibitor will make his own arrangements for delivery and receipt of shipments and storage of crates before move-in time.

Literati Events and Facility provide no additional furniture rental, electrical services, or labor than as specified previously. Any additional furnishing and labor must be provided by Exhibitor or a contractor. All furnishing must be in place by the Event start time. Furnishing and labor can return to dismantle the exhibitor booth immediately at the Event end time.

Exhibitors will abide by all other provisions of these rules and regulations, and with fire regulations and all other regulations of governmental agencies and the Facility. It is expressly understood and agreed by applicant that the Rules and Regulations of the Exhibit as issued or amended by Literati Events are hereby made an integral part of the Contract and of the agreement between Applicant and Literati Events for this reference and to the same extent and effect as if said Rules and Regulations were set forth in full in the contract. 

Exhibitors agree to abide by all local jurisdiction union requirements, if applicable, for work involving installation and dismantling of exhibit space.